- atelierphilippemadec (Paris) and Tekhné (Lyon), architecture
- Tribu, environmental consultancy (Lyon)
- Cabinet CIAL, acoustics
- Ginger Sechaud Bossuyt, general survey
- Sylva Conseil, wooden structures
- Cabinet Denizou, economist
The local council of Beaujolais Val de Saône
Status: competition lost | Net Gross Area: 2392 m² | Cost: €4,528,000 plus additional taxes
In response to a competition for a multimedia library and cinema in Belleville, an administrative district in the Rhone department, we joined forces with the firm Tekhné to create a wood and concrete ensemble with natural ventilation. It is composed of three volumes, each of which corresponds to the scale of activity it is destined for. They are elevated above ground level in order to avoid flooding and to allow public use of the ground, and future development of the site.