- atelierphilippemadec (Rennes), town planning
- Ardissa (Caen), landscaping and land management
- Infra Services (Rouen), hydraulics and transport and utilities infrastructure
The local council with the aid of the DDEA (Direction Départementale de l'Equipement et de l'Agriculture ? Departmental Direction of Utilities and Agriculture), later delegated to SHEMA essociated to Edifidès
Status: prize-winning study of area
An eco-district that directly extends the town centre, the Mesniles district in Verson will provide approximately 450 homes along with educational and leisure facilities. It adds to the town centre without being in competition with it as it has a less mixed programme. Priority is given to nonmotorized transport (Walking, cycling, roller-blading etc.) and the reintroduction of a strongly defined landscape based on above-ground rainwater management.