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Création du quartier Schaerbeek-Formation

Création du quartier Schaerbeek-Formation, Brussels (Belgium) - 2008

In the context of Belgium’s and Holland’s candidature for the organisation of the 2018 Football World Cup, the Brussels Capital Region launched an international call for proposals on a town planning project in the vast Schaerbeek-Formation railway area. Not far from international infrastructure (railways, waterways and airport) and local public transport (tramway and bus), the area nonetheless remains very isolated and hemmed in. The freeing-up of the polluted railway land has led to very specific constraints for the general conception of the project …
Conversion of the Doniambo Industrial Site

Conversion of the Doniambo Industrial Site, Noumea (New Caledonia) - 2008

To mark the centenary of the Doniambo nickel processing factory site, which has played an integral part in Numéa’s history, and facing new global and local competition, the SLN (Société Le Nickel –The Nickel Company) organised an international call for proposals under the heading Doniambo Propre (Clean Doniambo), with a view to modernising the site …
The Bio-Islets of the Restanque Sector

The Bio-Islets of the Restanque Sector, Montpellier - 2007

The town planning call for proposals for the Des Restanques area near the arena in Montpellier offered an opportunity for atelierphilippemadec to try out the principle of a ‘bio-islet’.
Mobility is a key factor in the cities we have inherited from past eras. Everyday life requires us to move around, often wasting time doing so, sometimes even wasting lifetimes, as is the case for those who, in order to earn a pittance in the city centre, spend over a third of their day in return trips between their suburban homes and their workplaces. A more desirable town would reduce time spent on in necessary travel in order not to waste people’s time and money and in a wanton waste of energy. It would be built around a pool of mixed local activities, concentrated and complete, in a logic of proximity, which would transform distances from spatial to temporal.
Plateau des Capucins Sustainable District

Plateau des Capucins Sustainable District, Brest - 2004

When activity ceased at the Brest arsenal after long union struggles, the Plateau de Capucins and its big naval construction halls were opened up to the town. The Plateau des Capucins project questioned the town’s entire mode of functioning: its central location is key, between Quéliverzan, Recouvrance, the rue Saint-Malo area and the rue de Siam town centre.
We proposed two new crossings of the Penfeld river: a footbridge to the lycees, and a bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and trams towards the rue de Siam, which we considered the only essential condition for the development of this district …
Volcano Park, Bepos

Volcano Park, Bepos, Le Tampon (Reunion Island) - 2003

International call for proposals
Parc du Volcan (Volcano Park), Le Tampon (Ile de la Réunion)
Consultation internationale pour la conception du parc de loisirs du Voican. Il comprenait l'aménagément d'un vaste territoire à flan de volcan, la mise en place d'attractions et l'installation d'un grand parc public pour répondre aux attentes des Réunionnais en capacité de pique-nique dominical.

Notre projet visait l'autonomie en eau et en énergie, par une large gestion des eaux naturelles sur le site, par l'installation d'un large espace couvert de panneaux photovoltaïques, nécessaire dans le climat froid du tampon, et par des éoliennes pertinentes dans le site très venté.
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